Thursday, February 23, 2017

Brock you are always my sunshine.

Oh how our world has changed in the past few years. From when we were told you are autistic, I truly thought that my world was ending. That you would have a half life to live. That couldn't have been further from the truth, our lives were going to be harder for sure but so much richer.  Feeling sorry for our family was what I felt but then my eyes were opened.
On the day Brock was diagnosed with Autistic Disorder and Developmental Delay, I felt my heart break.  Like many things, going to the Dr.s with my B man, where he was always getting tested and poked and prodded it was a every week thing.  
 Over time we got into the Children's hospital Autistic center. 
 The staff and Doctors gave us so much more hope.  
Brock, we got you in your classes at your school. You thrived so much, going from being no verbal a year ago to talking in complete sentence's and being able to hug,
 say I love you
look in my eyes.

We still have hard days, giving you your meds at night time is so overwhelming.
 I know you are tough and a little stronger then you realize.
Your brother loves you and sometimes I feel badly for him being the one that gets told to hold on while I get you through a melt down.
 I hated reading the evaluations: on paper you sounded horrible.
Nowhere in the evaluation did it talk about that dimpled smile or the sound of your laugh. Nowhere did it describe how his big brown eyes sparkled when you were happy. That you love to read and that you fascinated by all things boy, trains, fire trucks, planes, all things Mickey Mouse. They didn't give the detail of just how beautiful that you are and that personality, what a personality you have...That and there is only a few who have been given the gift to even see that part of you.

Baby boy, you are five now and you are so funny and full of love and life.
You and your brother make me a better person daily.
You have taught me what true love is.
I want you to know just how proud I am of you.
You are such a smart little man.
You keep me on my toes and you keep me on task
I do need you to know that I was scared and thought this journey
was going to be way to hard for you and selfishly for me as well when
we first found out.
Now a few years later into this I know you have no limits.
Just like your brother you can do whatever you want to do.

As your mama I promise that I will always push you to be your best.
I will be your cheerleader and loudest supporter.
I will push everyone I have to just to make sure that you
are getting every single thing you need so you
continue to become that
amazing human you are!
    I am so blessed to have you as my son.
I love looking into those big brown eyes.
I love your giggle.
I love that I get hugs and kisses.
I love that you are funny and sweet.
I love that God choose me to be your mother.
Looking forward to all the adventures
I get to go on with you and Franky.
I love you little man.


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