Sunday, October 8, 2017

Meet Me...

I use to do a weekly blog post called Meet Me Monday, it is a great way to get my readers to know little more about me. Heck it gives me a little perspective into getting to know myself. With Practical magic playing in the back ground and a candle flickering I thought that it would be a great evening to do this post! I hope you enjoy it. 

20 plus 1 random facts about yourself that people don't know:

1. Do you make your bed every day? Always at my place. 

2. What's your favorite number? 7

3. What is your dream job? Doing it: Mommy to the two loves of my life.

4. If you could, would you go back to high school? YES! I was a bitch to a lot of people I would like to take it more seriously and with the knowledge I know now about life.  I would pick the friends I am still friends with now and so many things to change my life.  I would meet certain people sooner and skip others all together. 

5. Can you parallel park? Yes but that is why they have other parking around to you find a more human parking spot! 

6. A job you had which people would be shocked to know you had? I planted trees in a tree nursery for reforesting. 

7. Do you think aliens are real? Yes.

8. Can you drive a stick shift? YES, but in my life I would rather not any longer. 

9. Guilty TV pleasure? Real housewives/ The Bella sisters :-) 

10. Tattoos? Yes, I always want more. 

11. How many foreign countries you been do? 1? Canada does that count? 

12. Things people do that drive you crazy? Mean hearted people. Slow walkers at a target store. 

13. Do you have any birthmarks? No, just angel kisses. :) 

14. Favorite childhood game? Mario Brothers. 

15. Do you talk to yourself? Yes, only way I can be happy with the answers. 

16. Do you like doing puzzles? Yes if they are for 5 year olds I can can do them.  

17. Music genre? Country and Indie, and Gangsta rap! :) 

18. Tea or Coffee? Coffee. 

19. First thing you remember wanting to be as a kid? A mom. 

20.  If you could be anything right now what would you wake up tomorrow and be?  I would be a NICU nurse.  

21. If you could talk to anyone living or dead who would it be?  I would talk to my Grandma, I would hold her hand one more time. I would make sure she knew what a difference she made on my life. That even though we had disagreements she was the best.  The type of women that I would love to be in so many ways.  I would kiss her cheek and take a deep breath and take it all in.

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