Monday, January 22, 2018


I stumbled upon a blog that is so great it makes me want to become best friends with the author.  They did a blog series about Rocking motherhood.  
Well most nights I go to sleep thinking that I must have messed it up in one single day a million times.    SO here goes nothing. Enjoy. 

  1. My kids are happy. They really are happy kids. Going through a divorce and all the changes that bring into your lives especially to the kids that are the collateral damage to a ending relationship. They didn't ask for it, we did.  They are doing great in school, they have friends and both are so funny in their own ways. One has a dry sense of humor and the other is witty and sharp with the come backs. 
  2. My kids are smart. It is something that I wish I had a better hand in saying its all me while they are so smart because I try to always find a way to help them learn something daily.  I am and always have been very smart mouthed and loud totally trying to make everyone laugh, I'm more as they say street smart, common sense smart for the most part. Their dad is book smart and can do math very well and man is he a grammar geek to say the least. I feel like they are a perfect combo of the two of us. ( our good sides)  
  3. I save my family money.  Every time I consign their clothes, book a photoshoot or try and direct sales business to earn money for my family for a goal that I have set for us or summer camp, sports lessons. I am happy to think those small things add up to something pretty big and something extra for our family. 
  4. I am strong. I got through a nightmare of a birth for the twins leading into 3 1/2-4 months of NICU living and being on pins and needles to my two perfect little baby boys. I still can’t believe the strength it took to cheer them on and get them from being born into the world by their Auntie  or that I had that strength in me all along inside me, I forget she is there and then I eat a taco and smile. 
  5. I am a friend to other mothers. Cattiness is so big especially between women period. So its even a little worse from other moms. They are judgmental and mean.  It is so important to connect with your tribe of friends especially with other mom's you never realize.  I have some great friends to lean on and the past two years I would never have gotten through without them.  I mean it I truly  don’t know what I’d do without my mom friends.
  6. Master at multitasking. I’m almost always doing at least a handful of things at once. Right now I’m writing this, watching TV, watching my guy  and realizing that the three most important things are all under one roof. The best feeling in the world. 
  7. My house is usually pretty clean. I use to be a neat freak almost to the OCD side until the boys were born and then it clicked that the moms I knew before becoming a mom and I would turn my nose up on, well now I think Ohhhhhhh now I get it.  Who gives a shit that there are dishes from a week ago and when I am hungry I eat on the pizza I have had sense last week, not a spot of make up on and the same pants without a shower for sense the afternoon I ordered that pizza.  Now I am able to keep up with a weekly day of cleaning when they are in school for the entire day!   
  8. I look forward to the future. "The Guy" and I have plans for our family and our futures. I never knew what the right fit would feel like. It is simple and carefree.  I can’t wait to see where life takes us. I look forward to watching great grand babies playing in the back yard in the summer. All the while the two of us watching on the back deck sipping on some sweet tea. 
  9. Keeping it all together. I think that things are going much better then I thought they were two or so years ago.  I do a pretty good job with holding myself and my family together. I Like taking care of all the things in my life. I kind of pushed the pause button for a while but I am making a come back.  I hope you are able to join me in this journey.  Are you looking for a blogger mommy tribe? Let me know if you want to be friends :) 
  10.  I have the love of an amazing man.  End. Of. Story. 
I did it! 10 ways I’m #RockingMotherhood. It was definitely not as easy as I thought it would be. It was nice to step back and reflect on all the things that I’m proud of doing as a mother. I am officially inviting the moms/bloggers below to write about how they are #RockingMotherhood.
Thank you Cheri from
1. Thank the blogger that tagged you and link to their blog.
2. List 10 things you believe make you a good mother (this is just a guideline. It can be more or less than 10.
3. Tag some bloggers to join in the #RockingMotherhood Tag.
4. Grab the #RockingMotherhood badge and add it to your post or sidebar.

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